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Sunday 19 May 2013

Breathtaking Bernina Express

The Bernina Express is the north-south Alpine crossing from/to Chur, Switzerland to/from Tirano, Italy by scenic train, and by scenic bus to/from Lugano, Switzerland. This route offers breathtaking views as you travel from ice-age glaciers to palm trees. From the Engadine the train will take you from 1,800 m (5,450 ft) to the Bernina Pass at 2,253 m (6,830 ft) above sea level at an incline sometimes as steep as 7% without the use of cog wheels, which is unique in Europe. The impressive ride over deep valleys and across stone viaducts ends in Tirano at a mere 429 m (1,300 ft) above sea level. The Bernina Express train runs all year, but the bus runs from May to mid October only ! There's one train daily; seat reservation is mandatory. Be sure to have valid entry documents for Italy since you will leave and re-enter Switzerland.
Route: Chur - Filisur - Albula Pass - St. Moritz - Pontresina - Poschiavo - Tirano - Lugano and vice versa. The journey time is 7 hours. 

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