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Monday 24 June 2013

Isla Del Sol , Bolivia

Isla Del Sol , Bolivia

Isla del Sol (Sun Island) is located in Lake Titicaca in southern Bolivia and travel are the most popular. It is very suitable for tourists who are looking for a beautiful view of the lake and the ruins of the Inca Empire. Isla Del Sol is considered very sacred to the Incas and they believe that the Sun God is born. These pictures were taken during the walk from the north end of the South side of the island, where we have a dorm room and spent the night watching the sunset. Be prepared to do a little over the weight up and down Rocky and hilly. In 2000, an international archaeological expedition discovered an ancient temple that sunk in the depths of Lake Titicaca. Large structure is almost twice the size of a football field (660 feet), and is found by the road that starts from the water near Copacabana. The temple is estimated to be between 1,000 and 1,500 years old. The Government of Bolivia has pledged to provide funding for further study of the ruins, and the plan was eventually to bring the bait to the surface. But residents fear the consequences that might bring such disrespect holy Lakes.

Isla Del Sol , Bolivia

Isla Del Sol , Bolivia

Isla Del Sol , Bolivia

Isla Del Sol , Bolivia

3200 square kilometers in size and up to 1,000 feet in depth, Lake Isla Del Sol is one of the largest, deepest, and highest in the world. Crater Lake in the United States (also a sacred lake), Lake Titicaca is renowned for the beauty of the deep blue. In addition to Lake Titicaca, some 41 Isla Del Sol in a more sacred. Particularly important is the Isla del Sol (Island of the Sun), located on the side of Bolivia near Copacabana. The largest of all the islands of the lake (but still only 5.5 3.75 mile in size), Isla Del Sol is considered as the home of the highest Inca God of the core. At the northern tip of the island of the sun is a town of Challapampa home of Interesting Chinkana (labyrinth). A complete complex of massive stone labyrinth is expected to be a training center for priests of the Inca. For the Incas, the construction is a bit sloppy-some archaeologists theorize that they must rush to build it. Natural spring water runs below the island and appear again in the sacred stone fountains.

Isla Del Sol , Bolivia

Isla Del Sol , Bolivia

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