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Thursday 4 July 2013

The woman who lost her wedding ring and found it 16 years later in a carrot from her garden

Lena Pahlsson was in the middle of an epic baking session, just before Christmas of 1995, when she removed her wedding ring and placed it on the kitchen counter. At some point during the day, the ring disappeared and Lena and her husband, Ola, looked everywhere for the lost jewelry item. When they remodeled their kitchen a few years later, they even took the opportunity to search behind all of the appliances and under the floorboards, but to no avail. Finally, the couple gave up hope on ever finding the ring.

Sixteen years after the ring disappeared, Lena was outside, pulling up the last of the carrots in her garden when she noticed something strange about one of the carrots. The tiny vegetable had a strange thing wrapped around it. When she looked a little closer, Lena realized the carrot had grown inside of her wedding band. After a quick cleaning, the white gold band adorned with diamonds looks as good as new again.

The woman who lost her wedding ring and found it 16 years later in a carrot from her garden

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