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Wednesday 10 July 2013

More attractive Virgin Islands in the Caribbean tourist spot

U.S. Virgin Islands is a group of several islands in an archipelago in the United States. At first the U.S. Virgin Islands is inhibited by Arawak people confident and bone. Christopher Columbus makes the first name in 1493. During shooting of terrorism Denmark turn the island into royal colony in 1754. Among some countries that joined the struggle of U.S. Virgin Islands are French, Danish, Spanish and England. Denmark built a number of successful companies in the sugar cane from local forced labor. However, after the abolition of slavery, Denmark was no longer profitable. Denmark was trying to sell to the United States, but not to establish proper negotiation. So U.S. property Virgin Islands still remains in the hands of Denmark, until the First World War.

Virgin Islands

American finally go buy the island for fear of it becoming a haven for German. The agreement between the U.S. and Denmark signed on January 17, 1917. After the formal property belongs to the United States on March 30, 1917, Americans gave the name of the U.S. Virgin Island. And 10 years later, the government gave the U.S. State citizenship to the local population.

Virgin Islands

The U.S. Virgin Island can be said is a natural paradise. There is an island known as St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix. All three have a natural beauty that is extraordinary, in addition to the blue warm water, white sand beaches, and natural beauty that we can get all the services you want during our trip.

Virgin Islands

St. Thomas is the second largest island of the U.S. Virgin Islands having a size 32 square miles. It is the capital of Charlotte Amalie. If we go to St. Thomas, you should not hesitate to shop around because there are along the coastal main road selling goods, jewelry, perfumes, and even item made locally. While in San Juan is the smallest, here we find the national park of the Virgin Islands. It is a quiet place with beautiful scenery that is best for nature lovers. St Croix is famous for its rich culture and history, including the first large U.S. Virgin Islands.

Virgin Islands

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