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Wednesday 10 July 2013

Serengeti Migration greatest wonder of nature

Serengeti Migration is one of the largest and greatest land migration in the world. It starts from Tanzania and is spreading to the Masai Mara reserve in Kenya. It is 18,642 miles long so square that lies between two countries and about 80% is protected by both governments. Up to 70 mammals and 500 birds that are home to them and one of the most impressive and interesting that every year one of the largest groups of wild rhythms kill about 250,000, due to migration.

Serengeti Migration

Serengeti Migration was also included in the seven wonders of Africa. It is one of the greatest wonders and wonder of nature. He received the first row in the wonder of nature. If you enjoy wildlife this place so the best way is to explore with Jeep Safari. It is very surprising and exciting to see when the other animals and the wildebeest cross the river, but be calm if you want to see this.

Serengeti Migration

The main thing to keep your eyes on the river because the crocodile is waiting for animals who want to capture wildebeest and is the best when the animal shot the other animal that is best experienced if you want to see with the eyes. Similarly it is the same for the other animals that are migrating. Especially the lions and other animals hunters who want to hunt kept the eyes of game animals. If you witness how animals that hunt and kill other animals you have to remain calm and have patience.

One of the best experiences you can get here that is ballooning. For migration of fauna works great. If you want to travel to the place it lands on the place and wherever you want.
If you enjoy this place is a better choice for travel. For more information about travel and tourism can visit the Serengeti Resources page and you can see this wonderful place in Africa.

Serengeti Migration

People love to travel around the world and the people who are crazy for wildlife can visit Africa and Serengeti Migration Watch. You love to see the place and you can see the wonders of the endangered species natural.

Serengeti Migration

Serengeti Migration

Serengeti Migration

Serengeti Migration

Serengeti Migration

Serengeti Migration greatest wonder of nature

Serengeti Migration

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